Madlines of Seattle-Based Canary Sings Drops a Gem of a Song-I Need a Moment

I long been a big fan of Seattle-based group Canary Sing.. Made up of Madeleine “Lioness” Clifford and Hollis “Ispire” Wong-I first met the pair several years back when they were rocking hard on the spoken word scene. Later when they put beats to their rhymes and started making noise culminating in the release of their ep The Beautiful Baby back in 2010.

The group had a funky retro sound and a fun vibe which is best personified in one of my favorite songs Freak Show…

It wasn’t to long after the Beautiful Baby dropped that Madeleines  came down to the Bay Area and blessed us with her talent as she pursued her Masters degree at Oakland’s Mills College. She’s been rocking the mic as well as the books and recently dropped a gem of a song and fun video called ‘I Need a Moment’. Look out for this sister to keep making noise. The best has yet to come..

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