Rush, Rams and Reverse Racism


Rush, Rams and Reverse Racism

The Right’s Search for a Black Racist

by Paul Scott

PaulScott-225With the announcement of Rush Limbaugh‘s failure to purchase part of the St Louis Rams football franchise, the Right went on a safari to track down the ever elusive, black racist. As usual, the race hunters came up empty. The best specimen that they could capture was Fox News Channel’s token black commentator, Dr. Marc Lamont Hill with a picture of former Black Liberation Army member, Assata Shakur on his website. Hardly, evidence of a violent plot to take over America by spear wielding black militants.

The reason why the Right Wingers have never been able to successfully cage a black racist is simple. They don’t exist.

Now this may be a hard pill to swallow for those who, wholeheartedly, believe in a warped version of the law of opposites.

If there is white racism, surely there must be black racism. If whites have ,historically, enslaved and oppressed blacks, there has to be some remote island out in the Atlantic where Bobby Whitman is being forced to pick cotton and sing Barry Manilow songs while Tyrone Jackson stands over him with a whip and a tall glass of Country Time Lemonade.

However, this Bizarro World of black supremacy only exists in the minds of Ultra Right talking heads and those who set their watches by the Glenn Beck Show.

For years, the Right has used the charge of “reverse racism” to hide their collective fears that they are losing control of America. Oddly enough, many people who scream racism don’t have the foggiest idea what the word means. While the definition of “racism” may be a doctrine of racial superiority, the functional definition is the power of a group to exercise this doctrine over others. Therefore, as author Nelly Fuller wrote “the only form of functional racism that exists among the people of the known universe is white supremacy.”

The doctrine of white supremacy is so entrenched in this society that even an African American president of the United States is not exempt.

So, sorry folks, by this definition, African Americans cannot be racist. We can be a lot of things; prejudiced, bigots, etc but the one thing that we cannot be, for social and economic reasons, is racist.

It must be noted that in order to find a black racist apologists for white supremacy have had to reach back centuries.

In his book, “The Ice Man Inheritance: Prehistoric Sources of Western Man’s Racism, Sexism and Aggression,” Canadian author, Michael Bradley traces the foundation of the myth of black racism back centuries when the Bantu-speaking people conquered the Khoikhoi and the Saan. Because anthropologist CS Coon divided the Africans into two separate races, some have used this as evidence of “black supremacy.” However, Bradley also quotes anthropologist Ashley Montague as saying, ” The modern conception of race owes its widespread diffusion to the white man. Wherever he has gone he has carried it with him.”

America’s search for black racists carried into the Civil Rights Era when Mike Wallace introduced America to Malcolm X via the documentary “The Hate that Hate Produced,” which, like future programs ,confused reactionary racial rhetoric and calls for black self empowerment with black socio-economic supremacy.

This was also evident in the late 60’s and early 70’s, when those attempting to label the Black Panther Party as “racists” ignored the fact that Panther ideology was based on Marxism which downplayed race in order to organize the oppressed working class and also the fact that the party had many white supporters including celebrities such as Jane Fonda and Marlon Brando.

This frantic search for black supremacy continued into the 80’s and 90’s when black leaders such as Rev. Jesse Jackson, Minister Louis Farrakhan and Rev. Al Sharpton were labeled racists as well as entertainers such as the rap group, Public Enemy.

We see the same trend continuing over the last year as Conservatives tried to link black racism to the Obama administration by their attacks on the Reverend Jeremiah Wright. Even the Latino community was not spared as Supreme Court Judge Sonia Sotomayor was portrayed by the conservative media as a brown racist.

So, it is not black racism that is the problem, it is conservative talk show hosts such as Sean Hannity, Mike Savage and Rush Limbaugh who spew their hate filled venom across the planet via their satellite powered pulpits, 24 hours a day.

If Limbaugh and his ilk want to see a real racist, they need to look no further than their own bathroom mirrors.

Paul Scott is a self-syndicated columnist and author of the blog, No Warning Shots He can be reached at (919) 451-8283 or

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7 comments on “Rush, Rams and Reverse Racism

  1. Conservative talk show hosts aren’t the only problem and maybe not even the source of it. The idea of reverse racism is a deeply held belief in white thought across the board. I’ve heard white liberals lament having been the target of reverse racism. White liberals that hate Rush, Beck and Hannity. So maybe we shouldn’t trap this problem in a far right box. It’s broader and more of a problem than that.

  2. Agreed, marc. You should hear these so called “liberal” whites in the bay area. Hang out at the MacAruther Bart station for a day and watch them fly out of the parking lot a 100 mph, nearly running people over, to make sure they don’t get robbed by one of the black people they profess to their conservative whit counterparts to care about.

  3. The Wanda Sykes lady said it best – “It ain’t reverse racism, its Karma”. That was truth to the 100th power. “Reverse Racism” is when the people who committed racism since the Bible was translated (Hammitic Myth) start making reparations for their mis-deeds, that’s when racism will start being reversed. The same people who started “racism” are the same people who created the word “race card” and all the other cute little divisive labels. Reverse Racism occurs when those who are benefitting from the political and institutional racism stop benefitting. That’s reverse. Until then, we got to continue to fight the institutions, as well as those in power. “Reverse Racism”, give me a break, can you spell ‘”REPARATIONS”.

  4. “If there is white racism, surely there must be black racism. If whites have ,historically, enslaved and oppressed blacks, there has to be some remote island out in the Atlantic where Bobby Whitman is being forced to pick cotton and sing Barry Manilow songs while Tyrone Jackson stands over him with a whip and a tall glass of Country Time Lemonade.”

    oh man, Min. Paul Scott, you made my day just w/ the above paragraph…. LOLOLOL

  5. LOL!

    It does get silly listening to these so-called white lib/cons searching for the equivalent to their ills. The white global minority dictating policies to a majority non-white planet is laughable…

  6. CDF, its not laughable. Its called “conditioning”. Like they do elephants. Chain them up when they are young and when they are grown up they won’t even try to escape. It’s called institutional racism (Bible, Hammitic Myth, Churches, schools, books, media, art, television, music (hip-hop), government, police, language, colleges, and many other greek/jewish supremacey indoctrination techniques, ect.). The only people that aren’t afraid of the white global minority are a few Black Americans and China. The rest all may have color, but they damn sure don’t have no heart when it comes to the so-called white global minority. Killed off my Motherland (Stolen Legacy) with AIDS for its great history and riches. We know who did that quickly after apartied ended for the “diamond” jewelry and control of other land resources, now don’t we? God, give my people the “tuth”.

Let us know what u think..