Black Panther Co-Founder Bobby Seal Speaks About Trayvon & Obama’s Speech

Bobby SealLOS ANGELES (Herald de Paris) — President Barak Obama said on July 19th, 2013 that Trayvon Martin could have been him 35 years ago. Oh how right he is.

In 1968, two days after Dr. Martin Luther King was murdered, { and to be portrayed in my feature film SEIZE THE TIME: The Eighth Defendant } Little Bobby Hutton was murdered by Oakland Police. Shot more than ten times. Bobby Hutton was our first member in my Black Panther Party after we wrote and finalized the TEN POINT PROGRAM. In fact Bobby Hutton was my part time after school assistant at the North Oakland Neighborhood Service Center, where I worked for the Department of Human Resources for the City Government of Oakland, California. I hired and took Bobby Hutton under my guidance. Getting him back in school. Teaching him to read better with an introduction of the Autobiography of Malcolm X.

I got Huey Newton to teach Bobby Hutton and several other youth basic points about the law and how to take an arrest so one dose not get extra charges resisting. Huey was in law school at the time. Hiring Bobby Hutton as my youth assistant became important to Little Bobby Hutton because he saw how I organized the summer Youth Jobs Program that also taught my One Hundred youth then a few introductory job skills. Getting the 18 year olds special class drivers licenses to drive the ten wheel dump trucks I would check out at the City Yard.

A year and a half later Bobby Hutton was the first Black Panther Party member murdered. In the Book Black Against Empire ( Political History of the Black Panther Party -by Joshua Bloom, UCLA & Waldo E. Martin, Jr. UC Berkeley – Jan 2013 ) the inquest on Little Bobby Hutton, one police person surprised the inquest by testifying that the other cops had literally “murdered Bobby Hutton” after Bobby Hutton had surrendered. Bobby Hutton walked out with his hands up and in between several policemen. One cop with his foot shoved Bobby Hutton in the back saying “run nigger.” Bobby Hutton, hands up stumbled forward a few steps and some five policemen all open up firing, shooting and murdering Little Bobby Hutton. I had been making plans with the Reverend Earl Neil to go to Dr. Martin Luther Kings funeral the night Bobby Hutton was murdered. Marlon Brando, Yes the movie actor, a very close friend of mine, had advanced all the money I needed to take my five member crew to Dr. Kings funeral.

The Stand your ground laws proliferated in more that twenty odd states is nothing more that armed vigilante laws allowing anyone regardless of color to profile and harasses, shoot and kill young black and brown youth, et., al.. We need a more profound progressive movement for greater people empowerment political representation to get rid of such Vigilante Profiling laws. For greater community control of police.

Thank you President Barak Obama.

Bobby Seale

Power To The All The People!


Black Panthers Patrol Streets of Greece to Protect Folks from Racist Attacks

Golden-DawnFor those who don’t know, there’s been a significant rise of virulent far-right racism throughout Europe that has coincided with the push for austerity..What has emerged are vicious attacks on immigrants by roving Neo-Nazi, white supremacist gangs who have turned to blaming non-European for the financial collapse. Ground Zero for alot of this has been in Greece, where we’ve seen the extreme levels of austerities.

There’s been a rise of Neo-Nazi style group called Golden Dawn which has gone all out to rid of the country of Africans, immigrants, and non whites. They are now a huge political force which has been used by the elite to smash down on folks deemed undesirable..

Below is a video put out by Golden Dawn folks.. They make themselves out to be saviors of the people

Here’s the reality of Golden Dawn

Michael Chege

Michael Chege

Recently a Black Panther group has sprung up in Greece to protect residents who are being mobbed on at night..Thats caused quite a stir..Founded by Michael Chege who is Kenyan born but has lived in Greece for over 28 years, he and his crew have started patrolling their neighborhoods at night when Golden Dawn members are most likely to strike..Complicating their efforts is the fact that Greek Police have been harrassing Panthers and immigrants in general demanding to see their papers.. like they did in Apartheid South Africa and currently do in Arizona under SB 1070.

In an interview done on  told Britain’s Channel 4  this past week he stated: “I am a member of the Black Panthers and everybody knows that. So I am giving them (Golden Dawn) a straight warning – don’t mess with black people, anyhow. And I mean it.”

“I’m not afraid of this neo-Nazi, stupid, idiotic group…In world war two, they were crushed. In world war three, we will exterminate them out of the face of the earth.

“They want to do what Hitler did. Try it. They will have the same fate and even worse,” he continued. You can read and see the interview HERE.

Golden Dawn members claim they are not Neo-Nazi’s but Patriots that needed to flush the country of foreigners..At least that’s the feedback I got when I first reported this story from people claiming they were members. Whatever the case, this whole saga is familiar.. we’ve seen this play out the same way over the years from the US and the rise of the KKK and now the recent Tea Party to what went on in Nazi Germany..Instead of battling banks and the corporate elite who caused financial ruin, we see folks turning on those who have the least and are most vulnerable. Remember  it was just a couple of years ago, many of us saw and cheered on Greeks who took to the streets in response  to out of control austerity. Much of that anger and energy that was been redirected and compromised.My guess is that at the end of the day these are storm troopers funded by the big elite whose goal is to keep turmoil amongst the people and not at them..  Below is a mini documentary on the Golden Dawn and their recent rise to power

Assata Ain’t No Terrorist.. She’s the One Who Fought Terrorists

assataSo the FBI is increasing their bounty for Assata Shakur , once known as Joanne Chesimard to $2 million and putting her the Most Wanted Terrorist list.. Making her the first female in history to be put on such a list and basically making her be on par with the likes  of Osama Bin Laden..This is beyond outrageous.

How long have some in this government been fiending for Assata?  30..35 years? Can you imagine if the FBI was this diligent about going after Wall Street Bankers who defrauded millions of people and tanked the economy or if they put $2 million dollar bounties out for war criminals who live right here in the US who purposely misled us into War where over a million lives were lost.. Yes, we are looking at you George Bush, Dick Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld, Condi Rice etc..

If were gonna talk about Assata and say she’s a ‘cop killer‘, let’s be completely honest and put such accusations into perspective.. Everyone wants to forget that in the 60s and 70s the FBI and police declared War on the Black community and organizations that formed in the community to end oppression. The police and FBI went all out to destroy Black leaders and these organizations with undaunted impunity. The reason why you had BPP (Black Panther Party), SNCC (Student Non-Violent Coordinating Committee) and BLA (Black Liberation Army) was because they responded to police terrorism. They were tired of seeing the police come into our communities and take them over like an ‘occupying army’, if I may quote Black Panther co-founder Bobby Seale. These groups formed because they were tired of seeing police and FBI with white supremacist attitudes, assassinating, brutalizing or jailing Panthers and members of other Black Power organizations left and right for little or no reason..They were tired of seeing government forces foster the killing of Black leaders like Martin Luther King  and Malcolm X. So if we’re gonna talk about Assata, let’s talk the police and FBI murders of unarmed Fred Hampton and Mark Clark? Let’s talk about the murder of Lil Bobby Hutton. Can we say COINTEL-PRO?

fbi-cointelproLet’s talk about Cointel-pro which was a subversive counter-intelligent war tactic used by FBI head J Edgar Hoover to ‘neutralize‘  The Chicano Movement, Puerto Rican Independence Movement, Anti-War/ Free Speech Student Movement, American Indian Movement, Civil Rights Movement and of course the Black Power Movements..

Can we talk about how the FBI would send incendiary letters to different organizations in an attempt to pit Black leaders and organizations against one another with the hope of creating rifts that would lead to bloodshed? Isn’t that what happened between the Panthers and US? Did we not hear the tape of the FBI questioning Malcolm X and trying to get him to turn against the Nation of Islam? Can we talk about campaigns used by the FBI to character assassinate important leaders. No one in the Black community was off-limits from these ruthless tactics from the FBI  Not Dr Martin Luther king, Not Malcolm X, not Huey Newton and Bobby Seale.. No one..

Let’s talk about how this insidious Cointel-pro operation resulted in leaders being hauled off to jail on trumped-up charges. Many to this day still sit languishing for 25, 30 and even 40 years. Let’s talk about political prisoners like Herman Bell, Mutulu Shakur, Sundiata Acoli, Russell Maroon ShoaltzMumia Abu Jamal, the Angola 3, now 2,  who are not only locked up, but going on their second and third decades in solitary confinement.

Let’s talk about the vicious, tortuous persecution of the government to go after and press new charges on former Panthers like the SF 8, 30 years after the fact. let’s talk about how these men all in their 70s had to undergo a trial with former police and FBI agents who once physically tortured them 30 years ago, being the officers to serve them new warrants.  The SF 8 were all found innocent again, but it should be reminded, what they endured back in the turbulent 1960s and early 1970s was around the time that Assata Shakur and others like her hit the scene ready to push back on the overwhelming oppression. Let’s talk about the fact that wanna the goals of the FBI’s Cointel-Pro program was to prevent the rise of a charismatic Black leader and instead find someone who was safe and acceptable to lead the masses.

Assata Shakur$2 Million dollars to get Assata? Where’s the $2 million dollar bounty to go after those in government who partook in that Cointel-pro war? Perhaps those individuals should be hunted down 50 years after the fact the way we still hunt down Nazi War criminals? After all, entire communities were destroyed by this..

Do you honestly think folks like Assata woke up one day and said they wanted to go smash on brutalizing organizations like the police and FBI who out gunned them and outnumbered them? I don’t think so..

Were people like Assata down make the sacrifice to defend themselves and their community from all the firebombings and other atrocities that were routinely occurring throughout the south by KKK while police turned a blind eye or even helped? Absolutely

Can we talk about entire Black Towns destroyed by mobs of angry whites who saw our humanity as a threat.. places like Black Wall Street in Tulsa or Rosewood in Florida? Often times the police were right alongside when these horrors occurred.

Let’s talk about the countless number of unarmed Black folks murdered at alarming rates by these out of control police forces. It happened back in the 60s and 70s just as its happening now. We should not forget that as a matter of policy many police in California in in other northern cities around the US, were recruited from the south with the directive to keep Black folks in a state of fear and in check..It was a policy of containment. Let’s get a 2 million dollar bounty for those sadistic officers and the people behind those policies.

Bottom line don’t talk about any ‘wrong doings’ by Assata without underscoring state sponsored repression and the all out military and terrorist attacks on Black organizations and Black people at that time.. We can start by talking about all the people gunned down by cops during the Newark Riots, Detroit Riots or Watts Rebellion.  We can talk about folks like the late Geronimo Pratt (Jijaga) being framed and made to sit in jail for 30 years … There’s a long, long list.. Simply put, There ain’t no innocent people wearing those badge, so don’t be fooled..Is Asaata a terrorist?? Hell naw, she was fighting terrorists..

Oh by the way.. Thank you president Obama, all this bounty stuff  is happening on your watch within a division of government you control..It’s a damn shame..

On another note, I gotta wonder how Common is feeling.. It was just two weeks ago he kicked some nice lyrics about his meeting with Assata when he visited Cuba. He also said we need to get behind Obama who thus far is allowing this to go down..I wonder if he still has love for Obama in the wake of this..