Obama Accepts Noble Prize &References Dr King Says Non-Violence is not an Effective Method For Heads of State


Posting up excerpts of  acceptance speeches for the Nobel Peace Prize by both President Obama and Martin Luther King. The natural thing is to make comparisons and perhaps demand that Obama be more King-like especially as he is sending 30 thousand more troops to Afghanistan…

I think its good to see both speeches to see how each man reflects upon what they perceive as their constituents. King talks about the 22 million Black folks who are under seige in this country. Obama talks about a country ‘under seige’ by terrorism.

What stood out for me was hearing how Obama while referencing King, did not reference the people King stood for… He also seemed to make the case that Kings approach toward non-violence is impractical. He cited Hitler’s march to war as an example.

That too me is a direct challenge for us as activists to change the dynamics and make any President or other recipient see us as constituents. As it stands now, President Obama came to Oslo, picked up his award, made a brief speech and skipped all the traditional festivities. Why? Because he was concerned about taking a victory lap while his numbers are down and critics are on his heels making demands…

Here’s the the speech in its entirety


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27 comments on “Obama Accepts Noble Prize &References Dr King Says Non-Violence is not an Effective Method For Heads of State

  1. We the people consumed the branding of President and forgot our role in the process. It’s hard not to see that most people have a “messiah complex” and project their aspirations onto people that is unhealthy. It’s fine to have a “Black President” in the big house, but the real work must be done by the people. I listen to people talk big about “keeping it real” and being “gangsta” and Black people are suffering from high unemployment, massive miseducation and crazy foreclosure rates.”Keeping it real” and being “gangsta” for me has become an empty slogan just like “Yes We Can”.

  2. I agree with you Adekunle. The REAL enemy are the bankers who are pulling our President’s strings. Until the masses know this, we’ll just stay in a hypnotic state of ignorance. We the people have to organize an uprising and bring these corrupt banking network of satanists to justice!

  3. I loved the look on some of the folks faces… it was like “Uh no he didn’t just say that..”… I laugh because I been saying these things for YEARS.. how you run your house is not how you run your town is not how you govern a city and it’s not how you govern a nation.
    Yes there is true evil in the world… let that sink in all you dismissive lefties.. let that sink in.

  4. Oh yeah he said that “there is evil in the world”.. hmmm makes you wonder doesn’t it, because if there is “evil in the world”, why then there must be “good in the world as well” right?
    Now that being said, and those are absolute values, how does that fit with all those lefties who view everything as shades of gray or that everything is relative? And if you go with “good” and “evil” dialogue, are those not ideas rooted in faith traditions? Hello all you athiests…
    Oh and by the way, he is AGAINST same sex marriage.. so hows that “change” going for you?…LOL
    Let’s see Barack get more hawkish!

  5. So what if the President had decided to send 40,000 troops to Afghanistan? Think that would have been a harder sell to the Nobel Prize Committee?

    I’m thinking that 30K was the number that kept the Peace Prize from being rescinded. It is just not right to win the Nobel Peace Prize and take the advice of a 5 star general on conducting a war. If he would have gone with the 40K they would have pulled the award and, well, its double jeopardy with those Nobel Prizes – once they pull the first one for too many troops they never give another one even when you retire and have nothing better to do.

    That’s our President – he knows how to work the ropes.

  6. Davey D said ”
    “That too me is a direct challenge for us as activists to change the dynamics and make any President or other recipient see us as constituents. As it stands now, President Obama came to Oslo, picked up his award, made a brief speech and skipped all the traditional festivities. Why? Because he was concerned about taking a victory lap while his numbers are down and critics are on his heels making demands…”

    That paragraph sums up the problem. It is all about POLITICS. Your president is a CIA creation, he works for the bankers that fund him and his crazy satanic cronies. Obama is the perfect manchurian candidate.

    He does not work for the people or the constituents. A constituent to obama is just a group of people to be maniupulated. In my opinion Obama is the 1st gay president, not the 1st black president. He cares more about gay issues than jobs.

    He deserves the nobel peace prize for doing nothing for peace. I mean Lady Ca Ca got how many grammy nominations for her garbage?? This is the world we live in today. Do nothing, do something really shitty, and boom, you are rewarded.

    Welcome to the Babylon system, where good is bad, bad is good, black is white, white is black, up is down, down is up, and the sky is falling also…

    s strings. Until the masses know this, we’ll just stay in a hypnotic state of ignorance. We the people have to organize an uprising and bring these corrupt banking network of satanists to justice!

    mrSlate, on December 10th, 2009 at 10:09 am Said:
    Obama is that new Negro. Good or bad, He is not cut from the Civil Rights cloth.

    Jose, on December 10th, 2009 at 10:28 am Said:
    I loved the look on some of the folks faces… it was like “Uh no he didn’t just say that..”… I laugh because I been saying these things for YEARS.. how you run your house is not how you run your town is not how you govern a city and it’s not how you govern a nation.
    Yes there is true evil in the world… let that sink in all you dismissive lefties.. let that sink in.

    Jose, on December 10th, 2009 at 10:44 am Said:
    Oh yeah he said that “there is evil in the world”.. hmmm makes you wonder doesn’t it, because if there is “evil in the world”, why then there must be “good in the world as well” right?
    Now that being said, and those are absolute values, how does that fit with all those lefties who view everything as shades of gray or that everything is relative? And if you go with “good” and “evil” dialogue, are those not ideas rooted in faith traditions? Hello all you athiests…
    Oh and by the way, he is AGAINST same sex marriage.. so hows that “change” going for you?…LOL
    Let’s see Barack get more hawkish!

    Obama Nobel Prize, on December 10th, 2009 at 11:20 am Said:
    So what if the President had decided to send 40,000 troops to Afghanistan? Think that would have been a harder sell to the Nobel Prize Committee?

    I’m thinking that 30K was the number that kept the Peace Prize from being rescinded. It is just not right to win the Nobel Peace Prize and take the advice of a 5 star general on conducting a war. If he would have gone with the 40K they would have pulled the award and, well, its double jeopardy with those Nobel Prizes – once they pull the first one for too many troops they never give another one even when you retire and have nothing better to do.

    That’s our President – he knows how to work the ropes.

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    Got the full speech posted.. Obama’s acceptance speech He references King..says Non violence not practical 2day http://bit.ly/8SvFL8Follow us Mrdaveyd on Twitter3 hours ago
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  7. Saw this earlier today and it seemed to be a perspective I had not heard:

    “The answer depends on our definition of “peace.” Most of us think of peace as the absence of war or cessation of conflict. But true and lasting peace is far more than harmony or a lack of war-it requires the presence of justice. Martin Luther asserted: “Peace, if possible, truth at all costs.” Dwight Eisenhower believed, “Peace and justice are two sides of the same coin.” And Benjamin Franklin warned, “Even peace may be purchased at too high a price.”

    We can achieve peace with nearly anyone at any time, if we are willing to forego justice. We could have achieved peace with Hitler without World War II if we were willing for Nazism to control Europe; there could have been peace with Japan if we were willing for the Emperor to control southeast Asia. “

  8. ^^^^ I agree, am no war monger by any stretch, but I do believe and see that our brethren on the left.. many of them.. simply want “peace” because someone above them in the political food chain wants it.. so they follow the empty suit. There is always something to fight for, or fight against, peace can actually lead to slavery…

  9. sorry i can’t follow in the obama-bashing here. asking obama to be more King like? sounds good, but not pragmatic. King was never elected President and commander-in-chief of the military, so we’ll never known what would have happened to his ideologies of civil disobedience and nonviolence when faced with economic reality and national responsibility (i.e. the leader of a nation can’t just disband the military).

    davey seems to be demanding obama pay more attention to activist’s concerns, but the president is the president of all the people. extreme left-wing views should at least be grounded in reality, otherwise they’re easily pooh-poohed.

    the reality here is that obama said what he was gonna do before the election regarding afghanistan, and followed through, though reducing the number of troops by 1/4th, probably to pacify peaceniks.

    i dont see this mock outrage as anything but, since if y’all were paying attention, y’all already knew this was coming.

    like most Big Deal awards, the nobel peace prize is about politics and posturing, not necessarily who’s the most peaceful (or deserving). i think the hope of world peace being achieved through a lessening of racial tensions is what he got the award for — it’s not a contract to adhere to a pacifist agenda, especially at the cost of destabilizing the middle east and letting terrorists plan insurgent attacks at their whimsy. the problem is that innocent people cannot in many cases be distinguished from terrorists.

    personally, i hope for the day when we can bring all our troops home from conflict zones. but realistically, we’d need to lessen dependence on a war economy (and oil production) for that to happen. bashing a president who’s at least more sensitive to those concerns than the last one isnt the answer.

  10. “Added Walter Russell Mead, Henry A. Kissinger senior fellow for U.S. foreign policy at the Council on Foreign Relations: “If Bush had said these things the world would be filled with violent denunciations,” he said. “When Obama says them, people purr. That is fine by me.”


  11. Eric thats an over simplification of my larger point.. Obama pays attemtion to a constuency which is often times in the minority.. They may have money or percieved clout in other areas.. hence many of his decisions.. Activists are not the only ones who wanted an end to war.. They did however galvanize people early on and help put Obama on the map.. Everyone recalls the Netroots convention… Now if Obama is not paying attention than as he himself has said.. Hold him accountable.. Lets stop apologizing and calling it bashing when folks make demands on him.. An active electorate does that..

    lastly if anyone jhere supports the war.. then sign up and go fight.. be a real supporter

  12. Pingback: Obama Accepts Noble Prize &References Dr King Says Non-Violence is not an Effective Method For Heads of State | Happily Natural

  13. I agree with Davey on his last point. I’m disappointed that people mistake principled disagreement with Obama bashing. That was the point I was making in an earlier post about the “Messiah Complex”. President Obama is a whole lot of things to different people across the world. The only thing that matters to me is what is the agenda and how are we going to make him take notice.

  14. This man ain’t calling no shots. The people backing him are the same people he’s defending in the middle-east. “Labeling” is a big part of their propaganda. He ain’t no Dr. King and he damn sure ain’t doing nothing in “our” interest. He knew he didn’t deserve no Noble Peace Prize, King got it for what he did, not because of who was financially backing him.

  15. Didn’t Obama say he was going into Afghanistan, when he was running for president? I understand the disagreement, but why the surprise? In one of the debates, Obama promised to “kill” Bin Ladin if he found him. While I think the belief from the left that Obama was going to end all US wars was wishful thinking, I think the belief from the right was sort of a strawman argument to make Obama look too extreme for moderates and independents to vote for, either that or some of them are simply too stupid to read Obama’s very own statements regarding the middle east. Watching some of the videos of those birther and tea party rallies, it’s hard to day.

  16. “hard to say”, not hard to “day”. LOL. Guess I should learn how to type before I make fun of how dumb the birthers are.

  17. lee, I was watching that NWA documentary on VH1 Classic last night, they talked about Eazy E’s “dinner with the president”. They showed a clip of Eazy explaining his side of the story, that he did it all for publicity. Eazy was a publicity hound, according to everyone they interviewed. Anything to promote his name. Eazy stated clearly, “I’m not a fucking Republican”. That didn’t stop Cube from tearing him up in No Vaseline, though. LOL.

  18. A few words….

    Obama is NOTHING like MLK. Never has been. The forced comparisons are insulting to a legacy (MLK’s) that was unquestionably deserving of a noble peace prize.

    To justify ANYONE getting a Nobel Peace Prize for acts contrary to those of peace makes the award irrelevant and the recipient a fraud. A true person of honor would not have accepted it under this role and these conditions.

    But to put it simply, the blind support of this administration is not unlike a religion………if you believe then you must not question, and if you question then you must not believe.

    Despite Obama’s obvious adherence to the “Bush Agenda”, there are still many of those who won’t see the light because they are blinded by “blackness”. Thus, they will continue to make excuses for him while refusing to criticize him and hold him accountable. You can’t be an activist and a myrmidon at the same time no more than one can be Pro-Life and Pro-War at the same time.

    Character should always rule over color; and this marks why Martin Luther was a King. However, Obama is a “politician” of which his followers have made king.

    “Real change” has NEVER come from within the realms of politics. Obama is no exception.


  19. Jose, you know who thinks Obama’s going to bring change more than anyone? Conservative commentators and radio hosts, like Sean Hannity and Rush Limbaugh, the tea bag and birther crowds, Sarah Palin supporters, and plenty of Republican politicians and elected officials who echo their views. If Obama is the same ole same ole, what are they so paranoid about? They’re nuts too, just like the left wingers hoping for change, right?

Let us know what u think..