Bill Maher: Message to Obama-Stop Being a Celebrity & Be More George Bush-like



Comedian  and talk show host Bill Maher came with some sobering heat the other night when he broke out some ‘new rules’ for President Obama.. He said its time for the President to stop trying to be a celebrity that is liked by everyone and get a bit more of of George Bush attitude in his day to day swagger. He said its time for Obama to start kicking some ass on some of these issues and stop backpeddaling..What do y’all think of this?

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7 comments on “Bill Maher: Message to Obama-Stop Being a Celebrity & Be More George Bush-like

  1. OK that there is some “real talk”.. REAL TALK.. stop drinkin’ the kool aid, and lets apply the pressure.

  2. Makes sense…but you really have to apply pressure across the board. Give Obama some time and he’ll develop the “cold streak”, especially in this climate!!

  3. Couldn’t get the youtube clip, but Obama has been on a celebrity type tour for a few now. Time to buckle down and address some issues, like bring the troops home, creating “real” jobs. I like Obama, I voted for him, but initially I was for Hillary. “Talk is cheap”. Seems too afraid to be not liked.

  4. I have no sympathy for Bill Maher about this. He was Obama’s biggest, most mindless cheerleader all last year, one of the many so enamored with Obama’s good looks, Obama’s style, Obama’s oratory, and Obama’s fancy Ivy League degrees, that he never studied or spoke to Obama’s legislation, Obama’s votes, or Obama’s platform.

    Anyone who did would have been really alarmed.

    Now he’s calling on Obama to get tough with the energy companies, the military industrial contractors, etc., as though he still believe that that is what Obama wants to do, and would do, if he just had the guts, contrary to all evidence.

    The good ideas that Barack Obama has? Tell me one. Throughout the campaign Obama said, “Strong defense, More troops. Clean coal, clean coal, clean coal. Finish the job in Afghanistan.”

    Does Bill Maher have ears?

    Maher was rude and dismissive to Ralph Nader, on his stupid show, and now he’s whining about the consequence of his own brain dead campaigning, but he’s still to lazy to study the legislation, the votes, and the platform.

    And, he’s not funny. Maher is not funny. He’s an examplary practitioner of the celebrity idolatry campaigning that elected Obama.

  5. Ann Garriison, none of those white so-called pundits or whatever are funny, its just good to hear somebody saying something different than Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, O’riely, and them. They took Maher off of regular channels because he was perhaps too on point with his criticisms of Bush/Cheney. You’d never see Rush, Hannity, and whoever going against Reagan or Bush for not doing what they said, they ride jock to hard. Atleast Maher’s not afraid to say it like it is. Remind me of Bernie Mack. “I say stuff you all afaid to say”. Every Black person in America saying to themselves – “Negro, get off the televsion and help us get some better jobs. Want to impress me, bring them damn troops home. And you better leave them jews alone before they have you dropping even more flowers again, talkin’ bout ‘never forget'”. Bill Maher is getting to do what a Black man like me would be doing if I was on television – TELLING THE TRUTH – “BROTHER, YOU AIN’T MICHAEL JACKSON, JUST FIX THE SHIT LIKE EVERY OTHER PRESIDENT”. And no I couldn’t sell like D.L. Hugley.

  6. Bill’s not alone in his desire to rush the changes we all voted for. Everyone on our side is eager to turn things around. But the other side? –not so much.
    Unfortunately, Obama has to get Congressional and Senate approval to do so many things. Supreme Court, too. That Balance of Power thing. He is the President, not the Dictator. Much as we might like him to just be able to flip a switch and make it happen for us, he just can’t…
    Tough job! He needs for us to pressure the Congress and Senate to start representing us better. And he needs for us to engage in dialogue with the mainstream media to get them to tell the truth and focus public opinion on the issues that matter to us.
    Obama needs for us to work with him and help change public opinion. We learned this during the campaign. He’ll do his job; we need to roll up our sleeves and do what only we can do.

  7. Pamela, you have to agree, though, that his job is not to go on tv almost every single week. I support the Brother, but don’t impress me on television and try to impress the world, like you said , Pamela – “impress Congress and the Supreme Court”, all that other so-called cool Black swagger stuff is irrelevant. Obama don’t need us, he needs “Congress” to start writing and passing legislation. Pamela, you are smart, but you giving the man a crutch he acted like he never needed. We did our part, if he’s qualified- its the Brother’s turn.

Let us know what u think..