Hip Hop Congress National Convention Comes to Seattle



HipJHopCongressflierThis Year, Hip Hop Congress is proud to announce its 2009 National Conference to be held in SEATTLE, WA. With a bubbling hip-hop scene easing it’s way on to the national radar, Seattle provides a prime location. The conference will focus on practical “do it now” solutions to create social and business progress for the hip-hop community and the communities it was born from.

In the spirit of coalition building and community Support, Hip Hop Congress has partnered with such local groups as the Umojafest P.E.A.C.E. Center, Dope Emporium, Seattle Hip-Hop Youth Council, 206 Zulu, Global Fam, Oseao Music Group, B-Girl Media, the Bassmeant, Mothers Outreach Movement, Reclaim the Media, Urban Teachers Network, Silicon Valley DeBug, Hip Hop Without Boarders, 2nd Nature and other local organizations and collectives. The conference will be hosted at a series of neighborhood institutions in the Central District of Seattle.

The conference will provide tools for independent artists and entrepreneurs to develop the hip-hop economy as well as harnessing hip-hop has an effective solution to education and youth development in the face of youth violence crisis and school closure featuring workshops and trainings in Digital Distribution, On Line Marketing and Promotion, Hip Hop and Education Programming and Civic Engagement.

Workshops include:
Artist Management
Digital Distribution
Urban Teachers
plus more

Film Screenings of
“The Muslim Cool”
“The Beat”

Registration is only $10 and can be done online at http://www.hiphopcongress.com. Scholarships and program collaboration is available for youth.

If you are interested in providing a workshop or being a sponsor, please contact shamako@hiphopcongress.com. If you are interested in performing please email berkowtiz@hiphopcongress.co m. All other inquires should be forwarded through the website.

Start Time:
Wednesday, July 29, 2009 at 10:00am
End Time:
Sunday, August 2, 2009 at 10:00pm
Seattle, WA

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